Being aware every day of all the good things in your life will naturally help you feel more joy. Appreciation and gratitude are the easiest ways to find more joy. Use them with gusto and frequently!
By Sigrid Kjeldsen
Are you conscious of how you speak to your child and the content of that communication? Most of us are not. We rush about our day, getting sucked into the doings of life. Sound familiar? There is nothing wrong with a busy life full of fun and rewarding activities! But what tends to happen is that from this place we simply react to the things, people and circumstances around us.
I am passionate about bringing greater awareness and self reflection into mother’s lives. As we get more conscious of our thoughts and feelings, our actions reflect this and we are able to steer and control our inner world to make our outer world feel great!
What if you could have 10 powerful statements that could help bring presence, love and empathy into your relationship with your child? I see these statements and questions below as a simple vitamin injection in the life of you and your child!
1. I believe in you
This is one of the most powerful things you can say to a child. It tells them you SEE them.
2. What do you think you should do?
This was one of the things my father used to say to me often. It empowered me to find solutions for myself.
3. I trust you
This is a powerful one for instilling a sense of responsibility and independence in your child
4. If you believe you can do something, you can!
If you teach a child to use his mind to create his reality at an early age, your child will grown in confidence and begin to develop a true sense of empowerment.
5. What do you think?
This one throws the decision making into the family arena – deciding as a group on something gives everyone ownership to the final decision. It also makes them feel important.
6. What do you need right now?
I use this one a lot to cut through emotional turmoil and get to the root of a problem. Sometimes they don’t know what they need, but the more you ask this question the more they will!
7. Just feel it, its ok…
A lot of the time, as parents, we want to support our kids by making the bad feelings go away. I try to help my children really feel an emotion. As children learn to do this they become more familiar with their emotional ranges and it allows them to see that emotions come and go – that they are in charge of how they feel.
8. What can you do to help?
This is a question that simply inspires kids to think about helping others in need. Kids sometimes may need help thinking past their own needs and desires, this one gets them thinking outside of that box.
9. What are 3 words that best describes you?
This questions helps your child begin to cultivate self insight and also lets them know you are curious about who they are!
10. I love you…
Ok, you knew this one was coming! Most of us do this, but how often do you say these three simple words and really mean it? Also, sometimes saying it less often can make these words really feel meaningful when they are said!
For each of these statements or questions, the key to them being empowering is how much HEART and PRESENCE you put into them – how you show up WITHOUT words.
Sigrid Kjeldsen is an internationally certified Co-Active Coach and the Happiness Breakthrough Expert at The Joyful Mother – TJM (www.thejoyfulmother.com). TJM is a life coaching company specializing in helping those moms who are yearning to enjoy motherhood, but are stuck. Through Sigrid’s blog with over 500 visitors on average a day and through her popular Facebook page with over 17,000 followers, she is passionate about teaching moms, what she calls, The Way of The Masterful Mother. Her approach uses cutting edge Law of Attraction principles and ties in new ideas and keys to success which focus on the success of a mother resting upon her cultivation of a strong and confident inner world.
We’ve declared this month is going to be the month of joy! Every day we’re going to be sharing a simple action step on the The Bringing Joy Facebook page.
Watch this short video and get ready for more joy!
To sign up for the 28 Day JOY Journey go here.
We’re giving away 10 free memberships to the Bringing Joy Book Club! We want you to experience the love and joy with us every month for the next year!
Want to know how to get your free membership?
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Just go to below this blog post and leave me a comment as to why you want to win a membership. Share what ever moves you, what is the BIG reason you want to be in the club.
Today I’ve put together a special movie for you. I want you to know how powerful you are and you have everything you need to be happy and live the life of your dreams inside you.
What makes you unstoppable? Share your thoughts below, I read every comment and can’t wait to hear from you!
We’ve all heard that saying, laughter is the best medicine. What is it about laughter that is so healthy? There are numerous studies that show there are concrete physical and mental benefits that happen when you laugh. The bottom line is that it just plain makes us feel good. Who really cares as to how it works exactly—we just know it does.
So why don’t we do it more often? Why do we take life so seriously? I believe that some people are naturally wired to be more positive. But what I’ve also discovered is that 40-50% of how happy we are is determined by choice. So even if you “wiring” isn’t so positive, you can make that conscious choice to be happier anyway. Knowing this is very empowering.
I often talk about a concept that I call “feed your brain”—what you take into your brain will determine a lot about how you feel. So if you are watching the news, drama shows, or many of the reality shows, reading crime books, etc, you simply are taking your dose of negativity. Change what you take in and chances are you’ll feel better.
This is why I want to share the video of a baby laughing. It is so contagious! And 35 million people and counting have viewed this video. Even if you’ve already seen it, you can’t help but laugh again. Go ahead and try not to laugh. It’s not easy. Nor should it be. Laughing is one of the fastest ways to feel better quickly. It relaxes your body, boosts your immune system, strengths relationships, and reduces stress, just to name some of the benefits.
I’ve even read that laughing will help reduce mosquito bites! Apparently there were two men out in the middle of the Amazon, one who laughed a lot and the other a very serious gentleman. The serious man was being eaten alive by mosquitoes until he started to laugh and then they stopped. Not sure if this has been scientifically proven yet or not, but it’s just another great reason to lighten up! Remember, life is about the journey, not the destination. If 90-95% of our time is spent on the journey, shouldn’t we be doing everything to enjoy it now? What can you do to lighten up and find more joy in each day? If nothing else, watch this video. It’ll definitely bring a smile to your face. Enjoy!
I love watching movies…but I’ve noticed that as I raise my level of awareness, the taste in what I like to watch has also changed. That is why I love the Spiritual Cinema Circle. It’s a great place to watch high energy movies that have great values and make you think about life. It’s also a great place to see films that independent filmmakers are producing that are not your typical mainstream movies.
I want to share a very important book with you that has helped me to reach a joyful state. Learning to forgive was one of the most important actions I took to release a lot of negative emotions and open my heart. I share with you how this very special book helped me to transform my life. Here is a link were you can get this book: http://inspiringyourverybest.com/resources/inspiring-books
Please share with me how you’ve been able to forgive someone and how you felt after you did this.
Our pets are a great source of joy in our lives. Here I want to introduce you to our little Maltese pup, Sasha. She’s a huge source of joy in our family and makes us all laugh every day. (She’s a little sleepy here because I just woke her up.)
I’d love to hear about your pets and how they bring joy into your life! Introduce us to your favorite pet and share the joy with us too. Please comment below!
The Bringing Joy series is a great way to connect on a deep level with your kids and loved ones. They teach deep lessons and values, spiritual laws and tools that will empower and make a huge difference in your world. Bringing Joy into other’s lives will help you live a joyous life!
I would love to hear what your experience was with the Bringing Joy Series books. You can share your comments just below.
Wake up by thinking about all the things you are grateful for and then each night, do the same. This will frame your day because the first and last things you’re doing every day is giving thanks and appreciating what you have in your life.
What other ways do you practice gratitude?
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