Global Book Tour

The Bringing Joy series of spiritual picture books are making a huge impact on the awareness and teaching of spiritual concepts to raise the global consciousness.

Be a part of this movement that is happening now! – click here to download the GBT Flyer

Help Karin Volo, author of this incredible series, get the message out to the world.
Give your friends and network of contacts the gift of Bringing Joy into their world.  This is something that they will appreciate and want to share with others as well.
These books provide a means of connecting multi-generations of children and adults to discuss spiritual concepts and give them tools to living their lives from a higher level of love and joy.
The books are just the beginning of the plans for Joy.  Join our partnership of affiliates so that as we grow, we’ll be giving back to you as well.  Sign up now at 
We can do either a teleconference call or webinar where Karin will discuss how the books came to her (that story alone is pretty incredible) and how they helped her family manage through the hardest times in their lives and then teach some of the concepts in a way that is easy and helpful immediately to the participants. 

Book Karin Volo for the
Global Virtual Book Tour

Contact Karin directly by clicking here and completing our contact form.

Please help us and share this page with your friends, family and co-workers! Let's share Joy with the world!